after a long long time, and alot of messages and alot of help from fellow animators
if we were playing final animator i would have aquired a level :D
SO with my new skill i shall now bring you only MY BEST QUALITY animations!
i do like the whole... umm... first one asking for help and all haha
ill admit i hated asking for help in my first animation but it allso turned out good :]
And if you have seen the picture on my page (http://animator1123.newgrounds.com/) and thought he was a cute chatacter then listen up!
His name is Quimby, and he is as blind to the real world as an inocent child.
I plan for this series to take off soon... maybe within this month or possibly be posted NEXT month, it depends on if i like the sound and animation haha
Because i would REALY like Quimby to become a viral classic, i think alot of you will like him. And it would even be cool to see him stolen off newgrounds haha
for a split seccond then i would find whoever stole it and kill them horribly. OH and i will allso be taking out anger and other feelings in my animations!
I realy hope this series and little animations pick up.... i can only dream right haha
I don't know why but i like that design. check out <a href="http://www.clockcrew.cc">www.clockcrew.cc</a> we're a group of animators that use clocks instead of stickmen and the like. You can find all the help you need on it, and also remeber strawberryclock is the king of the portal and don't you forget it missy.
what are you guys some sort of flash gang?
Ill submit anything i want without your concent your MAGESTY